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Faculty & Staff

Dedicated Difference Makers 

At CA, we care deeply. We care about the subjects we teach. We care about our connections with students and our students’ connections with each other. We care about making sure students do not leave the classroom confused. We care about what makes students smile, laugh, and in some cases, even cry. We care about families and our students’ futures. Mostly, we care about making CA the kind of community where learning is never fraught, but is always nurturing and fun. 

There's literally no better feeling than dropping your kid off at school and knowing that the love and care you give them at home will also be shown to them by their teachers. CA is that place for us. - Grade 6 Parent

Imagine a Freudian slip from your child where they call school "home" on more than one occasion. For our son and his friends, Commonwealth Academy is home and we're totally okay with that. - Grade 10 Parent

Mr. Creamer

Mr. Creamer cares, too — on good days and bad days (all days, really). He is our Head of Lower and Middle School and a person students count on daily.

from mr. cREAMER...

Ms. Theobald

The Upper School experience would not be the same without the support and guidance our Head of Upper School, Ms. Theobald, provides to students.

from ms. theobald...